MAC vs Windows: Which one is more secure

July 29, 2022

MAC vs Windows: Which one is more secure?

MAC vs Windows has been a long-standing debate among computer users. One of the most important aspects that need to be addressed when comparing the two operating systems is cybersecurity. The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, and with that, cybersecurity is now more important than ever.

But which operating system is more secure: MAC or Windows? In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison of MAC and Windows operating systems from a cybersecurity perspective.


To answer this question, let's look at the various cybersecurity aspects that make an operating system secure:

  • Number of vulnerabilities
  • Frequency and speed of security updates
  • Antivirus protection
  • User behavior
  • Market share

Number of vulnerabilities

A vulnerability is a flaw that can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system. According to the CVE Details database, which records and categorizes all reported vulnerabilities, MAC operating systems had 49 vulnerabilities in 2021, while Windows had 1,268.

While this may appear that MAC is more secure, the number of vulnerabilities reported does not necessarily mean the operating system is less susceptible to attacks. The level of severity of the vulnerabilities and how quickly they are patched is also critical.

Frequency and speed of security updates

Both MAC and Windows provide regular security updates to address any known security vulnerabilities. Apple releases macOS security updates approximately every two months, while Microsoft releases security updates every month on "Patch Tuesday."

Apple is known for its speedy updates, and patches are typically released within a day or two after a vulnerability is discovered. Microsoft, on the other hand, may take longer to patch vulnerabilities, and users may have to wait several weeks for an update.

Antivirus protection

Antivirus software is essential to protect against viruses, malware, and other cybersecurity threats. While MAC users generally have been less likely to use antivirus software, it is still recommended as a best practice.

Some Windows operating systems come with built-in antivirus protection, while others require users to purchase third-party antivirus software.

User behavior

User behavior plays a significant role in cybersecurity. A user's behavior can inadvertently expose the system to vulnerabilities, such as clicking on phishing links or downloading malicious files.

MAC has a reputation for attracting a tech-savvy user base, which may be less likely to engage in risky behavior. Windows users, on the other hand, may be less experienced or less tech-savvy, making them more susceptible to cyber threats.

Market share

Windows has a significantly larger market share than MAC, as it is the dominant operating system in the business world. As a result, more cybercriminals tend to target Windows, as it presents a larger target and potential rewards.

However, this does not mean that MAC users are completely safe. Although the number of MAC users is smaller, they are still vulnerable to cyberattacks.


So, which is more secure: MAC or Windows? The answer is not straightforward. Both operating systems have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to cybersecurity.

MAC tends to have a smaller number of vulnerabilities and quicker updates, while Windows has built-in antivirus protection on some systems and a more tech-savvy user base.

Ultimately, the most critical factor in cybersecurity is user awareness and behavior. A well-informed user who follows best practices such as using antivirus software and being cautious with email attachments and links can minimize the risk of cyberattacks.


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